Montezuma Park # 4 Map 5523
MONTEZUMA PARK # 4 MAP 5523.tif MOBTEZUMA PARK #4, Map 5523 (7 ~- Lot 38- Permit to Howard F. & Myrna A. McCluan, as a.mended, to constr swimm pool on lot with exist sin fa.m dwell, pool to obs approx 7' street side yd, where 20' is req also to erect approx 91' of solid 5' hi fence to obs 2' street side yd where 20' is req at 5697 Yerba Anita Dr betw Yerba Anita way & eead end of street, Zone R-1-40. c-10136 NH 9-25-70 Lot 37-38- Permit to Sommers Dev Corp to constr sin fam dwell obs 8 1 side yard on Lot 38 and 10 1 SB on both lots wnere 10' side yard and 20' estab SB is req- Lots at 5687 Yerba Anita Dr. Zone R-1-40. c-8796 N.H. 8-2-68------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------