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Morena Acre Lot 125

MORENA ACRE LOT 125.tif.,.152 of the ft t4 Lot 121j.:. PcaU \o Otto & Katherine lolhcll: to ccma\rao, ha14iu oa por,Ion of lot Uh 215 1 atreet frontace, Illion It. near Caruna I\Ne\ lea. o 137? 2/28/14-6 ~, t.u,1ill l 2- ktenaion of to 7eare gran e. to t o o ec an p . inta,in rit atable:Baa. JTo.21. lee. lfo. 2 f- 2-tr. ext.' Rea. No. 23 7, which extend Res. No. 2 3 above to S Kolbeck & Ral h W. Blod ett Asht'tn & Galveston Res. No 8 6- 1 S- Permit to Ralph w. & Betty I . Blodgett to erect stng., am. ~es, W aid~ Wion St, 390' N of Gardena, Res. No, 3919 6-29-4-9; E of N Acre Lot 125- Permit to Otto S & Katherine W Kolbeck to div into 2 bldg sites ' & erect sing fam res on ea, (cond11) 1905 Erie Res. No. 7671 8-19-53 ' ' l--------------- s of. N of W 3/4 of N- Permit to Cesere B & Rose Bolchini to eonst sing fam res on eastern por of par split out after zoning, on E side Galveston St., cond'l Res. N0 9342 12-21-55--------------------------------8 of 3/4 of N Aore lot 125, Michael T & Loa K. Norton,owners & Ken R. & Sylvia L. Denk, puroh, to oonst sing fam res with attaoh garage on paroel split prior to 12-6-54, TABLED. CASE #4539 10-26-61