Morena Block 22
MORENA BLOCK 22.tif MORENA BLOCK 22 IC. Lots l- 4- Permit to Clairemont Bus. Prop. Inc., to constr & operate real estate office at SE corner Baltimore & Rusley Sts; Condl. Res. No. 8816 3-16-55 Lots l- 4- Res. 8816 ABOVE amended as to sign; Condl; SE corner Baltimore & Rusley Sts; Zone R-1. Res. No. 8933 5-25-55 Lots l- 4- l yr ext to ABOVE RESOLUTION to Clair W. Burgener Co. to operate real estate office at 2509 Clairemont Dr; Zone R-1. Case No. 592 6-21-56