Morena Block 35 Card 1
MORENA BLOCK 35 CARD 1.tif ' ~r,.,.. BLOCK 35 Lots 13 & 14- Permit DENIED to I.E. each, NE cor Chicago Ave. & Kane St. CC 11o676 DENIES.. ~--,. -,,.)-> "' CAP.D #,~ Bramlett to rediv into 2 par & erect sin fam res on Res. 7099 1-21-53 Lots 25-28- Permit to Aaron & Donald H, Weiss to erect 8' hi screen fence extending betw dwellings, where max of 6 1 ht is perm on west side Denver St betw Jellett & Kane Sts., R-1-5. C-10133 NH 9-24-70 Lots 17 & 18- AGREEMENT to John & Martha Drewe to constr two-story guest house with bar sink, at 2404 Denver St, Zone R-1-5. AGREE #2193 8-18-76 Lots 13 and 14- Permit was considered by ZA to WILLIAM R. AND JANICE E. SEITZ to con- struct a two-story house with three-car garage at the rear of a parcel improved with a one-story, single-family home; upon completion of construction, kitchen is to be removed from existing unit and it is to be converted to a guest house where such use is permitted by Conditional Use Permit only, located at 2405 Chicago Street, Zone R-1-5. DECISION: (I) APPROVED the first floor recreation room and bath, constituting 425 sq. ft. of habitable area, to be used as a guest house; (2) APPROVED a variance to allow maintenance of existing single-family dwelling on the Chicago Street frontage during construction of the new single-family dwelling at the rear of the property; and (3) DENIED the request to maintain the existing single-family dwelling with the kitchen removed, as a guest house. Conditions. CUP 18127 10-4-83