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Development Services

Morena Block 50

MORENA BLOCK 50.tif MORENA BLOCK 50 . ' ' Lots 5,6,,11- The Assist Z.A. lla8 considered tne request of Marsco Dev. Corp. for perm as amended, to maintain for a period;of one year- (1) five model nomes on Lots 162, 5&6, 9&10, 13&14, Blk 49, and lots 5&6, Blk 50, one to be usetl as a temporary sales office wnere use snall terminate two year after tne filing of the subdiv map: (2) one free-standi1 single-faced sign advert Bay Mar Homes, overall height- 12'8" and area- 8' x 20' (16o sq. ft.) sign to obs O' front yard, where 15' is req, on Lot 11, Blk 50:(3) two double- faced, 3' nign "Information Center" signs, total sign area- 32 sq. ft. on Lot 1, Blk 49, one sign to obs O' front yard on Denver St. wnere 15' is req, and other to obs O' street sideyard on Edison St, where 10' is req (4(one double-faced, non illuminated directional sign, overall heignt- 8'2"- eacn sign area- 4 1 x 8' (total 64 sq. ft.) wnere one un- lignted sign 8 sq. ft. in area witn overall heignt of 4 1 is permitted to offer premises for sale or lease, sign to obs'O' front yart on Erie St, Where 15' is req, Lot 14, Blk 70: at tne NE cor of Claoremont Dr. and Erle St and 2900 Blk Denver St betw Gesner and Edison Ste. Zone R-1-5. and nas tnaee tne following decision: (l) APPROVED (2) APPROVED (3) APPROVED (4) DENIED. C-1Q728 9-2-n