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Development Services

Morena Industrial Center Card 1

MORENA INDUSTRIAL CENTER CARD 1.tif ~RENA INDUSTRIAL CENTER f' CARD #I Lots 1 through 4- Permit GRANTED to CAVANAGH DEVELOPMENT COMPANY to construct and operate two office buildings located at the southeast corner of Morena Boulevard and Jutland Drive, Zone M-lP. M-lP #15-083-0 7-13-81 Lot 6- Permit is granted to the owner/permitte to construct, operate and maintain a two-story, 30,565-square foot office building on 2.86-acre site located at east of Morena Boulevard, south of Jutland Drive and west of Camino Coralino. MIP- #89-0275 6/7/89 (Parcel 4 of Parcel Map #11894) Lots 7-12- Permit granted to Nexus Company/Canyon Research Center Associat~, A Limited Partnership, ownerJpermittee, to construct and maintain a 34,000 sq.ft., two-story building for office/warehousing use, located on the southea8t corner of Morena Boulevard and Financial Court, Zone M-IP. MIP # 83-0373 7/19/83