Morena Subd. Block 103 Card 1
MORENA SUBD. BLOCK 103 CARD 1.tif MORENA SUBDIVISICII BLOCK 103 CARD /Jl- Lot 10- Permit to Robert w. Roach, M.D., owner & Landi Construction Co., lessee, to erect for a period not to exceed one year, one 61 high, 3 1 x 51 tree-standing, double-faced, un- lighted, directional sign advertising "Carefree Homes, a new subd. located on Lots 25 thru 28, Block 101 of Morena Subdivision located closer than 200 1 from occupied dwelling units not of the same subdivision, on Galveston St. betw Clairemont Dr. & Huxley st., Zone R-1-5, condl. Case No. 6501./ 5-19-64 J--------------------------------------------------Lots 23-26- TABLED request of William C. & Kathleen Adams to const a sin fam lltwelling which will encroach 10 1 into required 15' setback along Clairemont Dr; on Hartford St. betw Clairemont Dr. & Huxley St. R-1-5. Case No. 7339 9/3/65--------------------------------------------------------------Lots 23-26- Permit to William C. & Kathleen Adams to const sing fam dwell encroaching 5' into req 15 1 SB from Clairemont Dr. & 8 1-6 11 into req 15 1 JB from Hartford St., on Hartford 5t. at the SW corner of Clairemont Dr. & Hartford St., in the R-1-5 Zone, condl. Ca3e No. 7339 1/28/66 Lots 23- 26- The z. A. considered the application of William C. & Kathleen Adams to erect 5' high fence encroaching 15 1 into req 15 1 SB where max 3' high fence is perm, on Hartford St., at SW corner Clairemont Dr, & Hartford St., Zone R-1-5 & has DENIED a 5 1 high fence but APPROVED 4 1 high fence, condl. AOREEMlfflT #1417 2/7/66 Case No. 7546 1/28/66 Lots 7-10- Permit to R. B. & J. I. Fisher, owners., & A. R. Wylie Sign Co., lessee for permission to maint. a 31 x; single-faced, post-mounted, unlighted subdivision directional sign Tecolote Highlands" where one unlighted sign offering premises for sale or