Morrison Marscene's Park Block 4b
MORRISON MARSCENE'S PARK BLOCK 4B.tif MORRISON 1S MARSCENE PARK BLOCK,t Lots 3, 4 & 5- ZA DENIED request of MR. AND MRS CURTIS HUBBARD, owners; GETHESEMAN CHURCH OF GOD IN CHRIST, Jessee- to (I) maintain existing church sanctuary observing at the closest point a 3 1 interior side yd where~ is reqd; (2) use property at the southwest corner of Market & Morrison Streets for reqd parking and maintain lot without paving, striping or landscaping, where parking must be on same lot as use and where reqd parking area must be paved and striped, & where 40% of front & street side yds must be permanently landscaped at 405 Morrison Street, Zone R-3000 & CC. C-18477 7/6/84