Morrison Marscene's Park Block 9
MORRISON MARSCENE'S PARK BLOCK 9.tif Above house were revised a'IIIP'"l!Ei:l' to IIIOTe. HM Res 1161 7-18-"51 Lot 5- Permit to Nettie Sedlack, owner & Wm. E. Geiger, lessee, to operate custom cabinet___ sh,0:2,_!n_e!_i]_t_l:_ ~_g4~:2_0!: Q.f_b!_d_e;,_4g_}!l M_B.!_k!t_S!_.___:g_e~._N.2,.__5.IlQ__ 7,::!_5-_51___ Lots 6 t, 7- Permit to Frank G & Evelyn O Martinez to const addn to res having 8' rear yd, addn to observe all yd req., at 533 42nd St., R-2 Res. No. 9306 11-23-55-------------------------------~------------- Lots 3 & 4- Permit to Archie L. Moore to const 2 story addn to comm. & res. bldg. having O' side yd & G'.rear yd (3' side & 10' rear req.) & alter 2nd fl. unit to duplex, at 4221-27 Market St., C Case No. 1813 4-25-58--------------------------------------------------------------------- Lots 6 &?, Permit to Cecil & Edna Wayman to use 50 ft. of parcel facing 42nd St. as parking lot for trailers in conj. with trailer rental agency in adj. C zone, parcel having exist. non-conforming res. obs. 81 rear yd (20 1 req) at 533- 42nd st. Zone R-.2.cond 11, 2 yrs to expire 6-30-61 Case.2571 6-1.2-59-f- tbn; DENIED f';r-i ir;.- & iit-~nd of 6 mos-period imfug l~Jp;;61..;a11_- er11& butane tank oe removea ~~om proper~y. case ~~7I 4-19-b