Morse (E.W) Subd. Of P.L 1106 Card 2
MORSE (E.W) SUBD. OF P.L 1106 CARD 2.tif MORSE (E.W.) SUBDIVISION oF P.L. 1106 CARD# 2" Por Jot 4 of I.W. Morse Sub of w 1/2 of PL 1106 and Por PL 1174 (accord to legal descr on file in Planning Dept)- Permit to W.H. and Olive Harrington to divide and erect sin fam res at Friars Rd. approx. 400 1 W of 6th St. Extension, Zone R-JA Res#4868 7-26-50----------------------------------------------0----------------------------------------- Sly. 335' Lots I & 2 & Nly 330 1 of 6- Permit to Griffith Co. to const addn to exist office bldg., 6th Ext. betwn Friars Rd & Camino del Rio, R-lA C-1685 2-21-58 Por. Lots 5 & 8- Permit to Westgate Calif. Corp to oper parking lot in connection with adj. Westgate Park, at 7227 Friars Rd., R-IA, Cond'I c-1799 4-18-58 Por. Lots 1 & 2- Permit to Ellwood Invest Co. to maintain & continue oper of business office & contractor's yd on par where restricted commercial, farming, churches, dwellings on min I acre is perm, at 1355 Ulric St., SEly cor Friars Rd. & Ulric St., Zones RC (lot 2) & R-lA (lot 1), Cond'I C-5603 4-22-63