Morse (E.W) Subd. Of P.L 1150 Block 65
MORSE (E.W) SUBD. OF P.L 1150 BLOCK 65.tif E.W. l> fiSE SUBD. OF P.L. 1150 Lots 21=30- Permit DENIED to Isadore & Libby Teacher to const 5 apt bldgs (tota1 26 units) one bldg with 6 units above 21 gar to obs 10' SB on 28tn St. (15' req) at NE cor 28th & E Sts., Zone R-4. C-548 6-25-56----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~~ots 21-30- Appeal of Isadore Teacher from decision of z.A. WITHDRAWN by applicant. C-548 8-1-56. Lots 33-35- Permit to c.M. & Helen Christensen to const 3 unit addn, making total of 9 units addn to obs 12' SB (aver of blk 21') 2832 E St., Zone R-4. C-2414 4-3-59