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Morse Subd. (E.W) Block 62 Card 1

MORSE SUBD. (E.W) BLOCK 62 CARD 1.tif,,~.....,. '.. ' "-~ ". MORSE'S SUBD. BLOCK 62 1 Card /11 Lot$ 15 & 16- Permit to Geo. w. Hill, Jr. to alter an exist 2 flat bldg at 2829 A St. into a 5 unit apt por of exist bldg is on the side lot line. Res. 576 4-13-44 Lots 15 & 16- Permit to Kurt c. Hoffman to conv 2nd floor of bldg having O' side yd, making 5 units, 2 units to use the alley as access to the st., at 2827 A St. Res. 8748 2-16-55,, Lots 1-4- Paul G. Jacot, own & Irving Wasserman, purch to const apt bldg to obs 8 1 SB at cor 29th & A Ste., WITHDRAWN by applicant. C-2329 3-13-59 Lots 43-48- Permit to Paul G, Jacot, own & Irving Wasserman, purch to constr apt bldgs to obs 8 1 SB (aver 15' req) corner 29th & B Sts., Zone R-4, condl C-2330 3-13-59 Lots 43-48- Permit to BWS Properties to const 34 unit apt bldg obs 8 1 SB from B St, (Aver 15') N side B betw 28th & 29, Zone R-4, condl 6 mos ext to exp 10-3-61 reduce 34 units to 32 units AMEND- conditions, also to expire 10-3-61 C-3575 C-3575 C-3575 C-3575 9-23-60 4-27-61 6-26-61 Lots 43-48- BWS prop to const 6 1 hi retain wall obs O' SB on B St (av 15') at 2865 B St betw 28th & 29th Ste , R-4, condl, c-4372 9-24-61 '