Morse's (E.W) Block 87 Card 2
MORSE'S (E.W) BLOCK 87 CARD 2.tif MORSE'S (E.W.) SUBIDIVISON BLOCK 87 CARD#2 North 1/2 of Lots 47 and 48- Permit, Cond'I to Anna Jedlik to operate used car lot, West side of 30th St, just north of Broadway. (See Res.) Res#2745 12-17-47 South 1/2 of Lots 47 and 48- Conditional permit ot Anna Jedlik to use this parcel as a car lot in connection with exist used car lot on the N 1/2 (see above res.), NW cor of 30th St, and Broadway Res#2996 3-24-48 Lots 1-4- Permit to Hubert & Dorothy Kenyon, owner, and H.A. Boney, lessee to canst 8 1 sol if,fence to enc-ose an area approx 20 1x25' in size to be used for stg. of emply boxex, also can eliminate that pro. of the req 4' planting strip betwn. front prop line and setback line, etc. (see the res for details, 2985 "C" St.) Cond'I, Res#3499 10-20-48 Lots 47 and 48- Anna Jedlik DENIED Extension of time on Res. No. 2745 and 2996 (see abovi Res#3576 12-1-48 Lots 47 and 48- Permit to Mrs. Anna Jedlik to pperate used car lot for a period of 90 days, Cond'I, NW cor of 30th and Broadway Res#3648 12-29-48