Morse's (E.W) Subd. Block 86 Card 1
MORSE'S (E.W) SUBD. BLOCK 86 CARD 1.tif L E.w. MO:RSEis:BLOCK 86 Cf Lats 39 & 40- Erect work shop for cleaning rugs, Zone R-4 W.R. Crosby over til plans are complete). 9-8-32 ~#1 (Decision held NlOO' of Lots 1-4- Permit to Loma Lands, Inc. to erect & oper serv sta, with one pump island to have 12' SB on SW car 30th & Broadway, condl Res. 8491. 9-29-54 NlOO' of Lots 1-4- Res. 8491 ABOVE amended to req a 10' radius cor cutoff, with the serv sta, condl SW car 30th & Bdwy. Res. 8548 10-13-54 Nly 100' at Lots 1-4- Classification of Use- Wallace A. Walter- Laundromat proposed to be located on the SW