Morse's (E.W) Subd. Block 93 Card2
MORSE'S (E.W) SUBD. BLOCK 93 CARD2.tif E.W. MORSE 1S SUB. BLOCK 93 CARD #2 Lots 1- 3- Permit was APPROVED by ZA to DONALD KRAMER to construct a three-story, six-unit apartment on lot with an existing duplex: (1) existing duplex observes 3 1-611 interior side yard where 7'-011 is required when on same lot with a three-story building (2) construct a parking deck ranging in height from 3 1-011 to 5 1-01 ' to observe a 15 1-011 rear yard where maximum 3 1-011 high deck would be permitted in the required 18 1-011- rear yard; (3) omit 560 sq. ft. of required landscaping in the street side yard; and (4) Hillside Review Permit for grading in the Hillside Review Overlay Zone, located at 3087 11 B" Street, Zone R-600 (HR). Conditions. C-18297 1-20-84