Morse's (E.W) Subd. Block 94 Card2
MORSE'S (E.W) SUBD. BLOCK 94 CARD2.tif BLOCK 94 l~ CARD #2. A Lots.39 thru 42- Permit to Chape1 or Happiness to const church&: Sunday school with s~1 wl b scbec[portion of structure obs 101 rear yard from center of alley, where 15 1 is req '& 0 1 side yard on Wly p.l., where 5' is req; church por of structure to obs 4 1 side yard, at J060 Broadway, Zone R-4, concll. Case No. 6615 8-19-64-------------------------------------------------Lots J9 thru 42- ABOVE APPEALED and the appeal was denied and the decision or the Zoning Administrator was upheld & appellant's appeal was denied, subj to revised conditions. Case No. 6615 8-19-64 Lot 21- 14 liBl!.E.D'+'r~quest lof IA,;tho9-y..:.Jed1itk, owner & Richfield Oil Corp. purch, to develop & maintain with a commercial service Btation with an 8' planting strip; 3' en public prop. & 5' on private prop; with 2 light standards obs O' setback where 10' setback is required & one 3'-1011 x 22'-8" double faced, 24' high free standing p..-ile j sign with 4' x S' "A" Board attached; pole to obs o' sb & edge of sign to project 6' over public prop in req 10' planting strip at 3000 block "C "St., Zone R-C.,. ' ---_____ Cases No. 7186, 7187, 1-;,. 6/11/65 Lots 21-24- DENIED 8 1 planting strip, APPROVED 10' planting strip adj to publ walk, partially on priv prop; APPROVED 2 light standards obs 0 1 SB; DENIED 3 110" x 22 18" dble / faced 24 1hi free-standing pole sign w/4' x 5' "A" board attach w/pole to obs 0 1 SB&: edge of sign to proj 61 over publ prop, but APPROVED a dble race, free-standing pole sign with a max of 45 sq ft each face, 24' hi with a 4 x 5' "A" board attach, loc in landsc._-~!-!W-~L2~-~-~Y~-~~-Et2J~2t_2y~r-EY2!_Er2J2_ug2ooLLQ&~_7J.a2_,_7181__ 9igQL65_______ Lots 21-24- BZA DENIED appeal of Anthony Jedlick, owner, & Richfield Oil Corp, lessee, J to constr 311011 x 22 1811 dble faced, 24 1 hi free-stand pole sign, but approval of dble faced sign w/max area of 45 sq ft for ea face. Case No. 7186 10-19-65