Navajo Shopping Center Card 1
NAVAJO SHOPPING CENTER CARD 1.tif NAVAJO SHOPPING CENTER Card No. 1-Lot 1- Permit to Marvin & Marilyn Strin, Owners, & Shell 011 Co.f Purchaser, to constr service station; landscaping strip along Navajo Rd to be reduced to 6 1 Wide w/2' on pri- vate property and 4 1 on st dedication; 8 1 CBR sign post to obs 2' SB at corner w/sign proj 2' over public prop; and 1 flourescent light & light pole at ea driveway on Bisby Lake obs l' SB where 15' is estab; SE corner Navajo Rd & Bisby Lake Ave; Zone C-lA; Condl. See L-64 Case No, 5670 5-8-63- Por Lot 3- Fermi t to Doris Della Bushard, Owner, & Standard Oil Co, of Calif,, Lessee, to erect 2 dble-faced, plexiglass, interior-lited, 45 sq. ft. signs proj 9' over plant- ing strip on Lake Murray Blvd & 6 1 over planting strip on Navajo Rd; also 3 poles for liting purposes to be located in the planting areas; where 10' planting strip adj to st is req; SW corner of Navajo Rd & Lake Murray Blvd; Zone C-lA; Condl.-. Case No. 5937 8-21-63------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Por Lot 3 (Parcel B, D,P. 264)- Permit to R. J. Lively, Owner, & Fosters Freeze, Lessee, to erect & maintain dble-faced sign, 10' x 6 1, overall ht of 21'; pole to obs 10' SB where 15' SB is req, w/sign proj 6 1 6" into 10' landscape strip where no structures are perm; So side Navajo Rd betw Lake Murray Blvd & Bisby Lake Ave, Zone C-lA. Case No. 89()0 10-9-68 Lot 3- Permit to Clair W. Burgener Co. to erect 5' x 10' free-standing, dble-faced interior illuminated ID sign, overall ht 21'; pole to obs 11' SB & overhang to obs 6 1 SB, where 15' is estab; sign overhang to encr 41 into req 10' planting strip where signs are req to be behind planting strip; 8665 Navajo Rd, betw Bisby Lake Ave & Lake Murray Blyd; Zone C-lA. Case No. 9298 6-12-69