Nazareth Park
NAZARETH PARK.tif NAZARETH PARK Lot 1- Conditional Use Permit to The Poor Sisters of Nazareth of San Diego to const & oper retirement & nursing home, located east side Rancho Mission Rd, Sly of Friars Rd., Zone A-1-1. ~---9.-;L9:10__________________ 370-Pc___________ a-21-73_____________ Lot 2- Permit AMERICAN DEVELOPMENT CORP. to erect approx 55' of 13' high wall where max JO' high wall is perm, at 6263 Rancho Mission Road, Zone R-3. ~::- /). /f,,_]j,_________________ CONDITION---------C-13, 915----------------- I 0-26-76___ Lot 1- Planning Director GRANTED CUP A!llendment request to CUP NOS, 370 & 84-0588 of POOR SISTERS OF NAZARETH, to operate an existing 120,729 sq. ft. reitrement home with 124 beds and to construct a 4,571 sq. ft, addition to the existing dining room, kitchen and infirmary, located at 6333 Rancho Mission Road, in the R-1-40,000 Zone with the Mission Valley Community Planning Area, Rancho Mission San Diego, Conditions. CUP 91-0552 11/6/91-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------