Nestor Townsite
NESTOR TOWNSITE.tif '\...-.. ~. ~ NESTOR 'TOWNSITE z.A tO !> y ~ Lot 2- Permit DENIED by~ROBERT (ROMMEL S.) JABRO & EDDIE (IHAD S.) JABRO to reconstruct an 18'-10" X 2oi-4u recreation room to existing commerc i a I center {center is nonconfonnl ng as to yardssand parking) and provide four parking places: (1) addition to result in 64% lot coverage w~ere maximum 60% is permitted; and (2) provide no landscaping on Flower Street or Hollister Street where ten times the length of property abutting rights-of-way is required, at 2281 Flower Avenue, Zone CA. C-17739 9-10-82 Lot 2- ZA DENIED Variance request of IMAD SHAKER & ROMMEL S. JABRO to (l)convert a por. of a nonconforming storage building to commercial use and maintain additions to said bldg., currently in violation; and further, expand nonconforming use by modifying a flower kiosk & constructing an expansion to the tire shop, but APPROVED expanstion to noncofonforming use according to the plans marked Exhibit A dated 5/28/92; said expansion approval requires the permitting of the structure behind the proposed produce store; DENIED (2)said change of use maintenance mf illegal additions, and prposed modifications & additions to said bldg. would require the provision of 26 off-street parking spaces where 20 off-street parking spaces are proposed; (3) said parking spaces to obs. a 10' setback on Flower St. where 12' is establ. further, (4) 8 parking spaces prroposed to be perpendicular to the street side yard & encroaching into public ROW on Flower St.; (5) flower kiosk to obs. an 8' setback on Flower St. where 12' is estbl.; (6) to maintain a trash dumpster obs. a O' setback on Flower St/ where 12' is establ.' (7) an 8' high chain link fence within the rear yard where a max. height of 61 is permitted; and (8) reduction in landscaping as required by DIV. 7 landscaping regs., located on SW corner of Hollister Avenue & Flower St. at 2281 Flower St. CA Zone, Council District 8. Conditions. C-20928 5/29/92