Nettleships Knolls
NETTLESHIPS KNOLLS.tif NETTLESHIP KNOLLS l Lot 3- Permit to Neil & Eleanor Nettleship to convert exist garage attach to single fam res to maid's quarters; exist garage obs 5' rear yd w/10' road easement on adj prop. for ingress & egress which provides 15' open space where 20' rear yd req;- 734 Rose- crans approx 200' W of Rosecrans St on Rogers St; Zone R-1; Condi. (6 mos ext to exp 3-17-65 (9-8-64)) Case No. 6327 3-17-64 6 mos. ext to above Case No. 6327 to exp 9-17-65 1 yr. ext to exp 9-17-66 3-1-65 9-7-65 Agreement #1311 to ABOVE to convert garage to maid's quarters. 3-25-64 L~t-2-:-PLANNiNG-OiRECTOR-GRANTE-a-Coastal-evelopment-Permit-to-BRUCt-J~-Arnnn~In-to___ demolish an existing one-story single-family dwelling and construct a Coastal Development located at 711 Armada Terrace, Map 4555, R-1-5000 Zone. CDP #89-1130 1-5-90