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Nettleships Tye#1 Block1 Card 1

NETTLESHIPS TYE#1 BLOCK1 CARD 1.tif NE'l'TLPl!HIP TYE //1 BLOCK 1 Lot 17- Permit to Mr. & Mrs. Wray T. Kingery to constr glass type fence 4' hi on top of 6 1 retaining wall along rear side line; to be approx 4o' in length; 4952 Crystal Dr; Zone R-2. Case No. 1152 4-29-57 Lot 18- Permit to Claude & Katherine Sourbeer to constr 81 x 18 1 porch addn to exist duplex; porch obs 3' side yd (4' req); exist bldg obs 3' side yd; 4946 Crystal Dr; Zone R-2; Condl; N.H. Case No. 4557 11-16-61 Lot 12- Permit to Dorothy P. Ne}.son to maintain steps and landing to apartment over garage; steps and landing to obs 6" interior side yard and 11' rear yard where 4' side yard and 15' rear yard are required at 655 Loring St. betw Ocean Blvd. and Crystal Dr. Zone R-2. Cond 'l. C-13026 3-26-75 Lot 14- Permit to John & Betty Christi son to add 2nd story re.c rm to exist SFD at 4972 Grystal Drive, Zone R-2. AGREE #2380 7/24/78 Lot 24- Permit DENIED by ZA to MICHAEL PANCER to (I) construct a 145 sq. ft, third-story addition to a two-story, single-family dwelling; construction to: (2) observe 4 1 interior side yard where 7' is required; (3) result in.57 FAR where,50 is the maximum permitted; and (4) maintain 3'-2" canvas on top of 3'-1" high wall,- at 4904 Crystal Drive, Zone R-2. C-17037 BZA- Upheld decision of the ZA and adopted his finding of variance is necessary to maintain the canvas on top of the 12-12-80 facts, deleting Item #4 as no 3' wall, 2-17-81,