New Riverside Card 2
NEW RIVERSIDE CARD 2.tif NEW RIVERSIDE Portion of CARD #2 t Lots 9 & 10- Permit GRANTED to AERO ASSOCIATES, a California corporation, owner/permittee, to develop two three-story office buildings, with landscaping, parking lots and underground parking, located on the west side of Kearny Villa Road, between Aero Drive and Interstate 805, Zone M-IP. MIP #15-070-0 9-18-80 Portion of Lots 8 and 9- Permit GRANTED to MONTGOMERY PLAZA LIMITED for approval to construct and operate a professional office building with parking and landscaping located on the southeast corner of Kearny Villa Road and Aero Drive, Zone M-lP. M-lP #15-081-0 6-8-81 Lot 5 & 10- Planned Commercial Dev. Permit is granted to JOSEPH F. OLIVER, JR to construct & operate a professional office bldg located on the south side of Aero Dr,, between Linda Vista;& State Hwy 163, in the R-1-20 (proposed CQ zone. PCD #83-0488 12/20/83 p:;;;;;-;;-i:-;;;!ffi11&""C"f~-..:-Ajf~yfflt'"ff{3t;;-;;-;;COR-PROPERTiis-i;;-;-;;;~;;;-;;-;;;;_;-;_-i44-;;- ft. sign for property located at 3833 Kearny Mesa Road, Z"'one CA, C-19667 8/3/87-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------