New Roseville Block 11
NEW ROSEVILLE BLOCK 11.tif r""----;::.__------ NEW ROSEVILLE BLOCK 11 Lot 14 & por of 2, Resub, Blk 12 & por of Lot 2, Blk 1, Bayshore Addn- Permit to H.E. & Rachel H. Wyllie to divide above prop & to constr 1 sin fam res on each parcel, 2 with street frontage & the 3rd parcel w/an easement ot a street not less than 30' in width, SEly side of Rosecrans St, 100' SWly of Talbot St, Res. 2241 5-8-47 Lots 11-14, por Lot 2, Blk 12, New Roseville & por Lot 2, Blk 1, Bayshore Addn- Permit to Mr. & Mrs, H.E. Wyllie to const 12 unit bungalow court, 13' rear yd for 4 units, Rose- crans & Talbot. Res, 4366 1-1150 Lots 10-14, por Lot 2, Blk 12, New Roseville, Lot 2, Blk 1, Bayshore- Cond permit to H.E. & R.H. Wyllie, own & J.D. & Esther L. Wier, purch to const 2 ~uplexes & 3 sin fam res as shown on plot plan on file in Planning Dept Off, SW cor of Talbot St & Rosecrans St. Res. 4756 6-14-50 SAME LEGAL ABOVE- AMENDMENT of Res. 4756 being condl permit to H.E. & R.H. Wyllie, own & J.D. & Esther L. Wier, purch to constr xax&&RRX 4 duplexes of which 2 will not have full frontage on dedicated street (shown on plat on file) on SWly cor Talbot & Rosecrans Sts., Zone R-1. Res. 4814 7-26-50