New Roseville Block 4 Card 1
NEW ROSEVILLE BLOCK 4 CARD 1.tif NEW I\OSE:V ILLE BLOCK 4 l'f Card #I ' LOTS 7 & 8- Permit to J.R. Madruga to erect a bldg for barber shop & cleaning agency, with living quarters above; with a 5' SB near Rosecrans St., 3021 Canon St. Res. 72155 9-3-40--------------------------------------------------------------------------~--------------- Lot 9 & por of P.L. 188, lying Nly of SEly I ine of sd Lot 9 & SEly of Sly line of Locust St.- Condi permit to I. Teacher to constr apt bldgs on Canon & Locust Sts witha 5' SB on Canon St & a 5' SB on Locust if agreeable to owner adjacent. Res. 1546 5-23-46 Lot 9 & por P.L. 188 lying Nly of Sly line of Jot 9 & sly of sly line of Locust St- Permit granted to I. Teacher to erect 3 apt bldgs with a 3' SB on Locust St & 5' SB on Canon St Res. 2414 7-30-47 Lot 9 & por of P.L. 188 lying Nly of Sly line of Lot 9 & Sly of Sly line of Locust St= Permit to Isador Teacher to conduct a watch repair & jewelry store in exist office space in apt bldg at the SE cor of Locust & Canon St. Res. 2739 12-17-47 SAME LEGAL AS ABOVE- Isador Teacher DENIED permit to oper confectionary store & an applianc, store in exist office space in apt bldgs at SE cor of M...ocust & Canon Streets. Res. 2890 2-25-48----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ABOVE- Appeal filed by Isador Teacher on Res. 2890 DENIED & Z.C. decision sustained. Res. 88780 3-23-48