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Development Services

New San Diego Block 42

NEW SAN DIEGO BLOCK 42.tif NEW SAN DIEGO ' Lots K & L- PLANNING DIRECTOR APPROVED subject to conditions request of GEORGE J. BLOCK 42 & MARIA MALLOY, to establish a sidewalk cafe (Capri Sidewalk Cafe) encroaching into the public right-of-way; at 321 West ''E'' Street, Map 456, M-1 zone, Airport Approach Overlay Zone. Sidewalk Cafe Permit 89-0176 12-11-89 Lots Kand L, Pushcart Permit was approved by SCA, CAPRI LTD-LLC, OWNER/AIDA GONZALES, APPLICANT sought to establish a pushcart coffee stand located in the public right-of- way at 864 Union Street, CCDC 'A' Zone 98-0323 6-11-99----------------------------------------------------------------~-----------------