Nicholson's Addn. Block 1& 2 Card 3
NICHOLSON'S ADDN. BLOCK 1& 2 CARD 3.tif NICHOLSON'S ADDITION BLOCK & 2 Card #3 Lots 10 & 11- Permit to Leslie C. Hill to const a three-story sfd to obs a 5'4" interior side yard and a 15' rear yard at 252 Coast Boulevard South. Zone R-3. Condition. Map #952. C-14895, 1-5-78.;l)o /--/4,,.--:,,r.---------------------------------------~--------------------------------------------------- Rortion Lots 20,21,22 & Por of Blk I- Permit to Dr. l:iiregory C. Mattson (I) to constr 358 sq. ft garage addition, garage to obs O' front yd AND (2) AMENDED to 2 stucco pillars 6 1 hi obs O' setback, at 210 Coast Blvd., Zone R-3. Condit. C-15748 3/13/79 Lots 6 thru 8 & 23 thru 2~- John & Barbari Sanderson at 7542 Ollvetas Ave., Zone R-3, permit toconstruct 3-story 6-unit condominium obs (1) 10' rear yard where 18 1 is reqd; (2) 10' front yard where 15' is reqd; (3) 6 1 interior side yard where 7' is reqd. Condit. C-16004 7/18/79------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lots 1,2,3 & por. of Coast Blvd.- Variance cancelled at applicants request. Coastal Cor:unission Denied approval. C-18754 3/5/85--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 4-7- ZA considered request of Amended Variance of PATRICIA H. HILL, TRUST:A; ROBERT E. HILL, JR., AND PETER H, HILL, TRUST B: ROBERT E HILL, JR, PETER H. HILL, BARBARA E. HILL, AND JONATHAN W. HILL 1) to maintain existing 6'5" fence in front yard & right-of-way where 3'may be permitted; 2) to constr. a 2-car garage, 410 sq. ft. to.observe a 11 setback on Coast Bl. where 15' is reqd. at 260 Coast Bl., Zone R-1000 and DENIED as requested, but AePROVEO J) m~inten9nce of existinq fenc~ ranging in heiQht to 6'5'' in front ~ard & public. r1ght-ot-waywhere j tence would be permitted by encroacnment P,ermit; 2) z oft-street park,n! spaces observing a O'front yard where 15 1 is required, with conc!s. C-19087 2/14/86