Normal Heights Block 12 Card 3
NORMAL HEIGHTS BLOCK 12 CARD 3.tif NORMAL HEIGHTS BLOCK 12 Lot 15- Permit to Florabelle Scharf to use property as residential elderly for a max of six persons at 4915 West Mountain View Drive. C-15110. 5-26-78. (C(care home for the R-1-5 Zone. Conditions.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 1- Permit to Roberto & Debra Ann Ruiz to maintain an existing 6' high chain link fence with slats observing at closest. point a 6'" front yard on W. Mountain View Dr. R=l-5 zone. Conditions, at 3117 N. Mt Vw Dr. C-15668 i/12/79---------------------------------------------------------~___________________...._____________ South 53 feet of Lot 22- Pennit APPROVED by ZA, to Karen Swanson to construct a single- family dwelling to observe 13' front yard where 15' is required, at 3274 Copley Avenue, Zone R-2. Condition. Lot 1- Agreement with Richard D. Johnson to accesses off the dining room anu has outside Mountain View:'-Drive, Rl-5000 zone. CASE 16456 NH 11-2-79 construct a master bedroom with full bath that access to the backyard, located at 3117 North Agreement /14249 4-11-89 Lot 1 (portion)- AGREEMENT with RICHARD JOHNSON & BECKY CUTTER to construct a study addition with outside acccess adjacent to a master bedroom with full bath to a one-story single family dwelling, located at 3117 North Mountain View Drive, Rl-5000 Zone, AGREEMENT NO. A-5393 7/14/92-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------