Normal Heights Block 14
NORMAL HEIGHTS BLOCK 14.tif NOmfAL HEIGHTS BLOCK 14 l1 Lot 15 = Permit to H. C. McWilliams to remolllel lower floor of 2 story bldg into apt at 3278.\dams 21:c. Res. 7o661 1-23-40_______:::>.3'""'-Sr_______________._____________--------------------------------------- _ Lot 24- Permit to Lindsey King to conduct a gunsmith's shpp witnin an exist bldg at 4890- 33rLSt. condl. Res. 678 8-3-44 Lot 24- Ext of time to Lindsey King on Res. No. 678 to permit nim to conduct a gun- s~it~s snop witnin exist bldg at 4890- 33rd st. Res 2327 6-19-47 Lot 24- Amendment of Res. 678 and 2327 to Lindsey King, permitting operation of exist gunsmitn's snop witnin bldg at 4890- 33rd St. and prohibiting sale of gun powaer or other similar explosive. Res 3171 6-2-48 Lot 24- Permit to main exist gunsmith shop at 4890- 33rd St to Lindsey King. SEE ABOVE. No furtner extensions condl. Res 4255 11-2=49 Lot 24- Lindsey King, appeal filed on Res 4255 ABOVE, sustained, and permit granted to maintain shop to 6-30-51 Res. 95872 11-22-49 Lot 24- Permit to Linday King & Pearl A King to conduct gunsmith's shop within an exist bldg AGREE # 308 8-9-44