Normal Heights Block 17
NORMAL HEIGHTS BLOCK 17.tif NORMAL HEIGR'l'S BLOCK 17 ~l Lot 1- Permit to Stephen E. & Mildred K. Tallian to constr single tam res & garage w/exist nonconforming grocery store, making 2 living units & store on lot & to convert exist bedrm to storage rm for grocery store; 4895- 34th St; Zqne R-2.v'. Case No. ~o.3t6 7-10-59--------------------------------------------------------------~--------------------------- Lot 24- (Par A, D.P. 341)- Permit to Mr. R. Benton Elliott (as Amended) to constr single fam dwell obs 3' front & 14' rear yds, where 15' front & rear yds are req & provid 2 off-st parking spaces encr 12' into req 15' front yd; 3427 Copley Ave; Zone R-2; Condl. Case No. 9309 6-12-69------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------