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Development Services

Normal Heights Block 25 Card 1

NORMAL HEIGHTS BLOCK 25 CARD 1.tif NORMAL HEIGHTS BLOCK 25 CARD #1 Lot 15- Permit to H. O. Beach, Owner, and Edward I. Radner, Purchaser, to operate rug & furn cleaning plant at 3492 Adams Ave. Res. 168 8-27-42-------------------------------------~---------------------------------------------------- Lots 14 & 15- Permit to Fred Philbosian, Owner, & Joseph S. Harb, Mgr, to constr 12' x 22' x 18' drying rm &monorail track for drying rugs in the open in connec w/exist:~-:~:~~~-~~~!~~!!i_J~~g-~~!-~Y~i-9~~!!!-:_________ S~~_79g_____________ J.l:~5:53______ 1 Lots 14 and 15- Permit to Fred Philibosian, Owner, and J. S. Harb, Mgr., to replace exist rug cl.eaning bldg with new bldg, at 3492 Adams Ave; Zone "C". Res. 9196 9-28-55------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 13- Permit APPROVED by ZA to KRAFFT & INGEBORG EHRICKE, owners; U.S. RECOVERY SERVICE, INC., lessee, to continue use of property as an impound storage yard, located at 3484 Adams Avenue, Zone C. Conditions. CUP 18429 6-8-84