Normal Heights Block 29 Card 1
NORMAL HEIGHTS BLOCK 29 CARD 1.tif NORMAL HEIGHTS BLOCK 29 CARD . Lot 3- (Wl.y 24' of tne Ely 100' of Sly 76 1)Permit DENIED to Roy v. Thomas to alter stge bldg at tne rear of 3328 Adams Ave. and use for slaughtering of cnickens and rabbits. Res 624 6-8-44 For Lot 3- Permit_to Bruce Van Horn, Owner and L,H. Martin, Purcn to use 34' of R-4 for~ off-street parking & driveway, W side Felton, 130' N of Adams. Cond'l. Res 8612 11-24-54 Por Lots 2 & 3- Permit to Sing Suey Hom to add to & conv 2 exist store bldgs into 4 liv units eacn., bldgs obs O' side yard at 3316 Adams Ave. C & R-4 Zones. Cond'l. 6 mo ext to 9-12-58 C-1470 3-28-58 Nly 50' of Sly 100' Lot 4- Permit to Roman catn Bisnop of S.D. to use as parking lot in connection withdlurcn at 4758 Felton St. Zone R-4. Cond'l, c-2858 10-9-59 S 48' of N 138 1 of E 100' of Lot 3- Permit to Robert A. & Jacqueline Inman to constr 6 1 x 14 1-6 11 batn and dressing room addn to exist sin fam res tnat obs 2' side yard and eaves obs 611 side yard; addn to obs 2' side yard and eaves obs 6 11 side yard wnere a 3' side yard is req and eaves may project 5CJ1, of tne req yard but no closer tnan 2 1 611 from prop line at 4732 Felton St. betw Adams Ave. and Collier Ave. Zone R-4. c-7918 10-25-66-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------