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Development Services

Normal Heights Block 30

NORMAL HEIGHTS BLOCK 30.tif NORMAL HEIGHTS BLOCK 30 \ Lot 16- Condl. permit to Frank & Carl to bld & operate venetian blind factory at NW corner of 33rd & Adams. Res. 1056 8-18-45------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lot 14- Permit to Al J. Beron to erect store bldg at 3266 Adams Ave w/no side yd betw it & adj dwell. Res. 1204 ll-23-45------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lot 7- Permit to Antoinette Testa to erect 16' x 22 '-4 Bdrm. bat. & Laund. rm. Add. Add to obs 3' interi. sd. yrd. where 4 ' ls req. (exis. dwel I. obs. 3 1 interi. sd. yd.} at 4745 Bancroft St. Zoned R-3A C- 13236 7-18-75---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Portion of Lot 11- Permit APPROVED by ZA to MARSHALL D. WARD to add and convert a single- car garage to 307 sq. ft. bedroom and bath on the first floor and add a 307 sq. ft. bedroom and closet on the second floor, with the living area observing a 10' rear yard where a 15' rear yard is required on a parcel without street frontage providing three compact off-street parking spaces where one standard and one compact space is required, at 4723 Bancroft ',Avenue, Zone R-3A. Conditions. C-17863 12-17-82