Normal Heights Block 42
NORMAL HEIGHTS BLOCK 42.tif NORMAL HEIGHTS BLOCK 42 Lot 6 (N) PERMIT DENIEI to F. A. Gentry to convert a por of an exist gar at 4673 Wilson Ave into liv quarters witb no sideyard. Res. 783 12-7-44 Lot 25 (N 12.51 Lot 26, and 27 (S 12,5') AGREEMENT #1019 to W.O. aBd Orvetta W. Haley to complete the constr of a two-story duplex. 2-24-59 Lot 29- Robert v. Loretta v:l'raicer-~- ta St. lletweea Mdiaoo Ave: Mw ~~~:--~~~~~-~~-~~~-=-~~:-------------------~=~~~------------~~~~-~~=~9-711 Lot 30- Permit to WllliamE. Hanna II and Barbara D. Hanna to const an 8-unit apt bldg with II parking spaces; three to be in tandem. 4668-36th Street. R-3A Zone. Condition. C-14979- 4-4-78,-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 22- Permit to VIOLET SYBANDY to establish a senior citizen housing project at 4618-20 36th St, in the Mid-City Community Plan Area, Zoned R-3A, Map No. 985. CUP NO. 83-0134 1/4/84