Normal Heights Block 44
NORMAL HEIGHTS BLOCK 44.tif NORMAL HEIGHTS BLOCK 44 (q Lot 1- To conduct Poultry-slaughtering in connec w/butcher-shop; 3737 Adams Ave; Granted Harry Grades (Ord. 12989) Res. 73346 2-11-41 Lot 2- R. F. Hammer for mfg, assemblying & sale of small, scientific instruments & sale of radio active materials, but restricted to use of 2 H.P. elec operated equipment & 2 employees. Res. 92484 1-25-49 Lot 12- Permit to Phillip Abrams & Meir J. Barach to erect 7 unit apt bldg, 1 unit to be served by 7 1 611 access; E side Cherokee, 250' No of Mt. View Dr. Res. 6742 8-20-52 Por. Lot 15- Permit to Lee I. and Azzie L. Abney to construct 336 square foot kitchen and bedroom addition to an existing nonconforming single-family dwelling; addition to observe a 3 1 interior yard (existing house observes a 3' interior yard; existing garage observes a 0 1 front yard) and a 0 1 front yard at closest point on East Mountain View Drive where 15 1 is required, at 4643 Cherokee Avenue, Zone R-3A. CASE 15344 TABLED WITHDRAWN-12/18/7,-----