Normal Heights Block 58 Card 1
NORMAL HEIGHTS BLOCK 58 CARD 1.tif NORMAL HEIGHTS BLOCK 58 Lot 13- Pennit to Albert J. & Stella K. Hamman to constr single fam res on parcel w/exist single fam res w/attached garage having direct access to dwell; attached garage obs 6" side yd (3' req); new res to obs all yd req; 3222 Monroe Ave; NE corner 32nd & Monroe; Zone R-4. Case No. 3848 (N.H.) 1-31-61.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 6- Permit APPROVED by A2A to CHERIE M. PROCTOR and WILLIAM G. MORRISON, II I, to convert an existing detached garage to a living unit on a parcel with anecisting unit; garage observes a 3 1-& 1 side yard where a 4 1 side yard is required, located at 4557 32nd Street, Zone R-3A. Conditions. C-18O93 NH 6-27-83