Normal Heights Block 6
NORMAL HEIGHTS BLOCK 6.tif NORMAL HEIGHTS BLOCK 6 7 Lot 2- Erect & operate 2nd res in Zone R-1; Permit to Mrs. Clementina Salgado, 3488 Mt. View Dr. Res. 66316 8-3-37 Lot 1- (Por.)- Addn to res, setback 3'; 3486 Mt. View Dr; Granted Irwin R. Caine. Res. 63934 1-28-36 Lot 6- Suspension of R-1 (Ord. 12989) for 4 houses on 1 lot; DENIED G. C. Richter. 1-15-31 Ely 66 1 Lot 7 & Ely 6o' Lot 8- Addn to res at 3548 Eugene Pl; Permit to Mrs. Evelyn A. Go set. Res, 3714 2-23-49 Por Lot l- Permit to Wm. H. Pierson to constr 17' x 24' gar w/O' side yd, O' rear yd, & att to res w/3 16" side yd & 17' rear yd; 5051 E. Mt. View Dr. Res. 3884 5-18-49-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 5- Permit to W. J. Livengood to constr addn to front & side of exist res having 3' side yd; 5027 East Mt. View Dr. Res. 5276 1-24-51 Lot 5- Permit to Chas. W. & Marjorie P. Kellogg to convert porch to fam rm & constr bedrm addn to rear of single ram dwell obs 3' side yd where 5' is req; addns to obs all yd req; 5027 E. Mt. View Dr; Zone R-1; Condl, Case No. 5215 9-24-62-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 9- John J. Enders, Jr. & Helen E. Enders to constr guest house w/out kitchen on lot w/exist single fam res; 5020 Raymond Pl; Zone R-1. Agreement No. 1101-8-29-60