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Development Services

Normal Heights Block 8

NORMAL HEIGHTS BLOCK 8.tif NORMAL HEIGHTS BLOCK 8-Lot 12 (E 37')- Permii to Wm. E. Murphy to operate Radio Repair Shop in exist garage at 3484_Copley_St;_~~~~!--------------------------------Res._No._1435_-______ 3-29-46_______ W 37' Lot 13- DENIED permit to Wm. F. & Beatrice G. Justice to operate shoe repair shop in garage at rear of 3482 Copley Ave. Res. 1785 9-26-46 Lot 1 (W 85 1)- Permit to Alice M. Howell to constr 2 1 611 retaining wall w/5 1 hi free- standing blk wall on top; 4993 Mansfield. Case No. 192 12-8-54 E 88 1 Lot 13- Permit to Mrs. Goldie Wilber to maintain exist fence on top of retain wall in fro.nt setback area; 3494 Copley Ave; Zone R-2; Condl. Res. 9232 10-14-55.-";-~i-w-aa-of-i.oi_i2_:-p;i-a1i-io-ioi> eii-,-rc.ir1e1-1rv1n-ior-iieiialiiloii-io-cwir--1211,, encloae4 patio add!\ to exist ilil ta dwell; existing dwell now ob aa4 1144n alao to obs 7' rear 74, wbere 15' 1 req, u4 to result in 45.51- lot cov, vb.ere-~ 1 pel'II, at 3472 Cop)My Ave betw Meuf1el4 and 35tb Sta. Zone R-2.COD4l. l.8 c-1o8oo 10--n------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1Dt 12- ZA DENIED as requested bu APPROVED items 1,2, 3 in the arrendment request of ROBER!' AND MURIEL M. ERWIN to construct 1) a 525 sq. ft. first and second-story addition to observe a 6 1-6 11 front yard at the closest point where 15'-0" is required; 2) two bay windows on the first floor to observe a 9'-0" front yard where 15'-0" is required; 3) to rebuild the front porch entry to observe a 6'-6" front yard where 15'-0" is required; and 4) resulting in a floor area ratio of.67 where.60 is the maximum penuitted; located at 3472 Copley Ave., R-2 Zone. Conditions. C-10800. 7-27-90