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Normal Heights (Resub Of Blocks 39 & 56) Block 62 Card 1

NORMAL HEIGHTS (RESUB OF BLOCKS 39 & 56) BLOCK 62 CARD 1.tif ~-- '1C Card #-1~ BLOCK 62 Gr\ NORMAL HEIGHTS- Resub. Blks. 39 & 56 Lots 14 & 15- Permit to Roman Catholic wire fence to encl school playground on 3 to be constr in front of SB line. Bishop of S.D. to constr sides for school at 4630 Res. I 817 5' standard cyclone- 34th St; fence 10-10-46 Lots 20 thru 24- Permit to Roman Catholic Church of S.D. to erect addn to exist St. Didacus School; addn to have 91611 rear yd, W side 34th St, 50' No of Madison. Res. 6460 5-14-52 Lots 20 thru 24- Permit to Roman Catholic Church of S.D. to erect addn w/20' SB on 34th St, W side 34th St, 50' No of Madison. Res. 6459 5-14-52 Por Lot 19- Permit to Chas. & Candiea 0. Bronaugh to constr 9' x 12' addn to exist nonconform bldg w/3' rear yd; addn to have 6 1 rear yd; No side Madison betw Felton & 34th St. Res. 7185 2-18-53 Lot 13- Amendment to Case 1335 ABOVE to permit also a 12' hi wire fence 120' along No property line, back of SB line. Case No. 1335 8-26-57 Lot 30- Permit DENIED Ralph Bwy to constr 9 unit, 2 story apt bldg w/2nd story obs 10 1 rear yd where 15' req; 4670- 34th St betw Adams Ave & Madison Ave, Zone R-4. Case No. 8400 11-10-67