Normal Heights Resub Of Villa Lots 1-11 Block A
NORMAL HEIGHTS RESUB OF VILLA LOTS 1-11 BLOCK A.tif NORMAL HEIGHTS Resub. of Villa Lots 1-11 Block A Lot 31 Block A Cond,- Pennit to Glenn Brammer to const. res. with 51 rear yd on Mendell Terr near northerly end of street Zone R-2, provided that surveyor's map be submitted. Res. No. 4783 6-28-50 Lot 31 Block A- Permit to Glenn Br8.11111er to const res. with 10' setback on Mendell Terr near northerly end of street Zone R-2 provided surveyor's map be submitted. Res. 4784 6-28-50 Por Lot 32- Permit DENIED to Regina K. Mccarley, owner & Leonard & Barbara Burns, pur. to split out par with approx 14' fr. on Kenmore Terr. Res. No. 60 12-12- 1 Lot 13- Permit to Luther C. & Avis M. Blair to oper photo studio with dark rm, at Kenmore Terr. cond'l Res. No. 24 6-24- NWly 50' of Lot 2- Pennit to Mary A. Pa.lhne to const res with 8 1 SB l 'req on N side Suncrest Dr., 1 0' N of Modell R-4 Res, No. 4 1-18- 6 Lot 12 & por. of Lots 13 thru 19- Permit to Thomas Spillane to const al-unit apt complex absrvg a 0' front yd on Modell Ter where 15' is req, and to provide 14 off- street parking spaces in front yd. observg a 15' setback frm face of curb, where 18 1 is req, at 4700 block Kenmore Terr. between West Mt. View Dr. and dead-end of Kenmore Terrace, Zone R-4 Cond C-10009 7-21-71