Normal Heights Resub Of Villa Lots 117-127 Block B Card 2
NORMAL HEIGHTS RESUB OF VILLA LOTS 117-127 BLOCK B CARD 2.tif NORMAL HEIGHTS-Resub Villa Lots 117-127 BLOCK B l'-'\Af' l)~G, ~ Card No. 2- Lot 6- Suspension of 12321 to allow 2nd Res, 5' from P.L. on Mtn View Dr, DENIED to Lee A. May at 3491 Mtn View Dr. by Res 64829. 8-18-36 SEly 60' of Lot 40- Permit to G. R. Curtis to constr res on tne east side of No. Mt. View Dr approx 50' soutn of Benton Pl and maintain a 10' setback from N Mt, View Dr. Res. 1882 11-21-46 Lot 17- Permit to Samuel & Agnes Bering DENIED to constr sin fam res, making total of 2 units on lot, tne addn to obs al.l yard req at 5173- 35tn St. Zone R-1. C-2510 5-15-59 Lot 23- Fermi~ to Gordon H. Stafford to constr gar, laundry and dark room witn sink on lot witn exist sin fam residence at 5209 Benton Pl. AGREE #1703 8-26-n Lot 23 & 24- Permit to Bernice L. Stafford to constr a sin-fam dwell & to provide access to Lot 24 with a driveway across Lot 23 where all req parking shall.lut have convenient acess to a pub! ic st or alley, at 5207 and 5209 Benton Pl, Zone R-1-5. CONDITIONS. C-13,828 NH 8-19-76