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Development Services

Normal Heights Resub Of Villa Lots 165-184 Block C Card 2

NORMAL HEIGHTS RESUB OF VILLA LOTS 165-184 BLOCK C CARD 2.tif NORMAL HEIGHTS (Resub, of' Villa Lots 165 to f~84) Block C Mf\f' 11~7 Card#2 Block "cif.. \\ Lot 27- Conditional permit to Lloyd T, Penick to alter exist, garage with 'apt. above at 4811 E, Mt. View Dr. into living quarters with 3 ft, side yard & 10 ft, rear yard Res. No. 6--4 Lot 22 East 33 1 3 ft, except the North ft,- Permit to Frank M, and Made!ine H, Watenpaugh, Jr. to construct a roof over a Snd floor porch at 4773 E. Mowitain Viesw Dr. with a 4 in. sideyard for the exist. bldg, and the additiona. Res. 842 2-1-45 Lot 41 and 42 except the W 43 ft.- Permit to Cornelius C. & Inez A.O'Connor to construct a residence at 3685 Alexia Place with a 13 18" setback provided the forms are moved & a 4 f't, sideyard maintained for the west side. Res. No. lo81 7-6-15 Lot 34- Permit to J,V. and Maud R. Rush to move in a building at 3638 Callie Avenue and maintain 18 1 2" setback. 6 8 Collier Res. 166 8-1-46 Lot 3- Permit to Moil Homes Corp. to move one-story frome dwelling to 'E. of Mt. View Dr. on Sly side of Alexia Pl. HM Res. L855 2-10-54 Lot 16- Permit to Mary A. Emory to const res on this par, with 5' SJJon S side Collier Ave. R-2 6oo 1 E of E. Mt. View Dr. Res. l & 18 11-2- Lot 35- Permit to David H. Benson to const res & att gar with ' at 646 Collier Ave, R-2 Case No. 68o N 7' of' Lot 19 Teofil Rogalski's application TABLED to move in res on parcel as Un tiled Ins. Co. States this parcel was divided before date of original zoning. therefore no variance necessary. t,f,/ Case 3410 6-28-6o------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------