Normal Heights Tract 1353 Card 1
NORMAL HEIGHTS TRACT 1353 CARD 1.tif NORMAL.HEIGHTS TRACT 1353 Lots 27 & 28- Permit to J.w. Anderson to erect tllree on Mt. View Dr and on Panama Pl. Res '{f Card II sin fam dwell, JD,aintaining setbacks 70574 1-9-40 Ext. of 60 days from 4-9-40 on above Res. Ext. of 90 days from 6-9-40 on above Res. Res. 71183 Res. 71564 4-16-40 6-11-40 Lot 17- Permit to Harry Cady to build sin fam res and gar on par of land where l res exists, at 3310 North Mt. View Dr. Res. 6192 2-20-52 Lot 7- Permit to Rush E. & Vivian B. Wells to constr gar having l' side yd, 40' back of front prop line, at 5031 Ellison PL Res.No. 8533 10-13-54 Lot 2- permit DENIED to Matti & Albi Ricca to const sin fam res making 2 units on prop, at NEly cor No. Mt. View Dr & Ellison PL, Zone R-1 Res. 9227 10-14-55 Lot 5- Permit to High F. & Ada Worcester Hay to constr 16 1 x 16 1 enclosed patio.. addn to rear of exist sin fam dwell with direct access thereto; exist dwell obs O' side yd; patio addn to obs 6 1 side yard; to constr approx 23' x 28' redwood deck which will obs all Municipal Code req, at 5032 Ellison Place, Nly of North Mt. View Dr. Zone R-1. C-5908 6-8-63 Lot 6 (por) Permit to Robert EQbing to replace exist sub-standard gar (lO'x 15') with 8' x 19' parking space encroaching approx 8 1 into req. 15' front yd at 5049 Ellison Pl. off end of Sllison Pl., Zonr R-1-5, C-9783 N.H. 3-13-70