Normal Heights Villa Lot 164
NORMAL HEIGHTS VILLA LOT 164.tif.,.........-----,~ ~-....... ~ ~-~-~-..,--'-. NORMAL HEIGHTS VILLA LOT 164 V.L. 164 Subdivided into 4-parcels,one with 112 1 frontnge at cor of Copley & E-I~ountain View rr, two lots,,,1th Ji'f-rontag1f ea, nd the remaining parcel of canyon property, 41!7'.~rong, all 1:,ri th a dept of 90' Granted to::dna lTay l'.artin,4557 Terrace Ir, Res.72158. 9/3/40 Hes. 7244 7 amends He"). 72158. for:Cdna l'ay l'ar tin,.-- East 417.22:rt. Permit to-Ada Kettunen to move in a res. Res.225 1/21/43