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Development Services

Normal Heights Villa Lots 1-25

NORMAL HEIGHTS VILLA LOTS 1-25.tif NOBMAL HEIGHTS VILLA LOTS- 1 thru 25 '')'"-.- Lot 38- NW 81' of SE 91'- Permit to Harry C Lane to erect 3rd li Ying unit. Res. No. 68863 2-7-39------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lot 2- Wly 13' of Sly 100'- Al.l of Lot 3- Permit to Arthur L. Cordtz to erect garage 50' back from front PL w/0' side yd; 4879 Kenmore Terrace. Res. No. 1231 12-6-45 to-;-(;;r-t:Ca-;f-22___ P_e-~1-t--t-o--J-.--&c-e11a"""iii-S:-;d-e-s--t-;-c-;;st--s-i;-;a";;""a-:;ei1-.;iae-t'"a.~ti--;~;------,, 0 dwell to obs at close pt a 1'7 front yd on W. Mtn. View Dr. & a 2'5" front yd on w. Mtn. View Dr. where 15' is req., Map 985, at 4772 West Mt. View Drive bet Collier Ave. & Kenmore Terr, R-4 Zone C-10879 11-10-71 Lots 20 & 21- Z.A. cons req of Rosie M. Wensel for perm to-move on-singie-fam-dweii-obs____ 5' front yd where 15' is req & 7' rear yd where 20' is req at 4805 Kenmore Terrace betw W Mountain View Dr & has DENIED as presented but APPROVED the dwell to be moved and to obs a JO' front yd and a 7' rear yd and the carport to obs a 4 1 rear yd, condl. c-11060 3-9-72 We40' of.Lot 24- Permit to Leona Felber to constr a 34' x 21' second story zedu room bath and deck addn to exist one-story sin fam dwelling on same lot with detached sin fam dwell; exist bldgs. cover 50.5% and deck addn will result in 53% lot cov where a max 50% is perm, at 3459 School St. betwn Hwwley Blvd. and Mansfield Ave., Zone R-4- Cpnd'l. /C-12,662 6-20-74