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Normal Heights Villa Lots 126-150 Card 2

NORMAL HEIGHTS VILLA LOTS 126-150 CARD 2.tif NORMAL HEIGHTS VILLA L0'1.'S 126- 150 BIily 25' Lot 134 & NWly 25 1 Lot 135, Cond'l Permit to Harry Mervin Furlong & Elate A. Stratton, own & Henry & Phyllis D. Williams, purch; to erect sin fam res on 2 pare to be coabined into 1 bldg site 50 1 wide, betwn 3628 & 3640 Eugene Pl. Res#4053 9-10-49 Lot 128- Par "A"- Permit to Capt YN Adams to const sin fam res 10 1 SB approx 72' N of Sidney Pl, on E Mtn. View Dr. Res#4099 8-24-49-----------------------~------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 147- Cond. 11 Permit to Howard M. & Marion E. Raish to divide into 2 parcels & erect sin fam res on vacant parl, SE cor E. Mtn. View Dr. & Eugene Pl. Res4310 11-30-49 Lot 147, Cond'l Permit to above to erect res, SB not less than average of 8 houses Sly. on E.Mtn. View Dr. Res#43ll 11-30-49 for Lot 128, approx 120'x146' (Par C) Cond'l permit to Yancey Neil & Mary E. Adams to convert sin fam res to duplex, 3516 Sydney Pl, Res#5041 10-4-50 NEly 55' Lot 131, Permit DENIED:to Chas J & Mary T. Tofflemire to const total of 3 units {:daplex exist) but new res perm on cond that exist duplex be converted to sin fam res before final inspec, & agree signed,5047 Raymond Pl, R-1 zone 6 mos. ext. 10-31-56 c-403 4-23-56