Normal Heights Villa Lots 126-150 Card 3
NORMAL HEIGHTS VILLA LOTS 126-150 CARD 3.tif.. NOBMAL HEIGHTS JllLLA LO'l'S- 126 thru 150 rr Par Lot 136- Jerry c. Fox and Beverly D, Fox to divide a parcel of l.and with 103' street frontage into two lots and to permit one single fam res ~n each and have applied for a zone variance under petition #4921, dated 6-16-47 7-29-47 NEly 55' of Lot 131- Charles J. & Mary Tofflemire to constr a sin fam res on property. A duplex now exists on this property. AGREE #885 8-8-56 E of Lot 141- Enoch M. & Lorraine Hasti to constr a gar and convert to living quarters to be used while the exist res on the front of the lot is being dismanted. Res. 8384 AGREE #805 7-27-54 Por Lot 128- Permit to Richard A. & Margaret Walker to erect approx 22' of concrete blk ret wall 6 1 high obs a l' front yard where a max 3 1 hi wall is perm in a req 15' front yard at 35l.6 Sidney Pl betw E, Mtn. View Dr and dead end of street, Zone R-1-5, Condl.. C-10191 N.H. ll-12-70 Amended- 7-23-74 Lot 140- Permit to Glen A. & Ethel Blakely to divide lot into 2 parcels, 50' wide, maintain sin fsm res on each at 3639 Eugene Pl. Res #6801 9-17.,62 Lot 134- Permit to Glen L. & Helen Rawl.el to constr sin fam res on parcel split prior to 12-5-54 on V.L exc SE 50' at 3628 Euge~e Pl. Zone R-1. C-3974 3-31-61-----------------------------------------------------------------------~-------------------