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Normal Heights Villa Lots 26-50 (See Special Lots) Card 2

NORMAL HEIGHTS VILLA LOTS 26-50 (SEE SPECIAL LOTS) CARD 2.tif NORMAL HEIGHTS VILLA LO'l'S 26 tnru. 50 See "Special Lots" ~ 7 Card ' Lots 48-50 & 70 & por of Lot 6 of Tract 1353- Z.A. considered appl of Scott Memorial Baptist Church to construct cb.urch and parking lot where a sin fam dwell only is perm in the 3100 block Camino del Rio, South, approx 600 1 North of Cliff Place, per legal on file in the Zoning Div. of the Planning Dept., Zone R-1-40; said application was DENIED. C-9077 3-21-69 APPEALED to BZA and said application was tnr011t1 out and a new application must be filed. C-9077 6-4-69 Lots 48-50 & 70 & por of Lot 6 of Tract 1353- Permit DENIED to Scott Memorial Baptist Church to construct a church & parking lot, per plans, wnere a sin fam dwell only is perm in the 3100 block of Camino del Rio South, north:lof Cliff.Place, Ellison Place and 34th St., Zone R-1-5 & R-1-40, per legal on file in the Zoning Div. of the Planning Dept., c-9367 7-10-69 ~~~~~~--~~~-=-1rm_~~-=~~1y_~~-~-;-_-_~----------~------~--~~~~;-_~---L~~~~;--_~------~-:-- Por Villa lot 44- Errol G. & Carol E. Hunt to constr 18.5' x 7' entryway & closet addn to exist nonconform sing fam dwel (obs 7' front yd at closest point); addn obs 3.5' front yd where 15' req, at 3142 N. Mountain View Dr, Zone R-1-5. C-13904 10-22-76