Normal Heights Villa Lots 51-75
NORMAL HEIGHTS VILLA LOTS 51-75.tif NORMAL HEIGR'l'S VILLA LOTS- 51 thru 75 Lot 70- Permit to Lucy M. McDermott to remodel rm above garage into apt; 5174- 34th St. Res. 69090 3-28-39------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lot 70- G. A. & Lucy M. McDermott DENIED permit to convert exist store rm into living quarters; 5174- 34th St. Res. 75435 l0-28-41------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Por Lot 75- Permit to C. B. Hellickson to constr single fam res providing por of lot has 50' st frontage, per plat. Doc. No. 331789- Res. 74921 8-19-41 Lot 69- Permit to Solon S. Kipp, Owner, & Grace M. & Geo. Bennett, Purchaser, to divide lot into 2 parcels, S 50' & No 62.34, & perm single fam res on ea parcel; end of 34th St, W side. Res. 973 6-7-45 Lot 72- Permit to Solon Kipp & Mrs. Frank J. Dingema.n to divide into 2- 50' lots & permit single fam res on ea, E side 34th St, No of Mt. View Drive. Res. 974 6-7-45 Lot 72- Permit to Dominic & Beatrice Spinali to maintain 64' of 4' hi concrete blk wall on concrete retain wall (26" to 61) max overall 10'; also maintain exist concrete retain wall 4 1 4" to 5'10" & erect steel link fence thereon, 4 1, max 9'10"; 5151- 34th St. Res. 4350 12-28-49------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 65- SWly 6o' of NEly 150'- Permit to Frank & Carol E. Eicholtz to add bedrm & ~~:~-:~-~~~~-~~~~~~-~~-!!~~-~~t-~~I~-~:-~~:_!!~~-~~------~~!~-7~7g_______ ll:l3=53_________