Normal Heights Villa Lots 51-75 Card 2
NORMAL HEIGHTS VILLA LOTS 51-75 CARD 2.tif NORMAL HEIGHTS VILLA LOTS- 51 thru Z5 Card No. Por- Permit DENIED Wm. Abi Zaid, Owner, & C. E. Norcross, to constr & operate 78-unit housing development, located at Nl.y terminus of 34th St, Sly of Hiway U.S. 8o; R-l-4o Zone. c.u.P. Case No. 6796 1-19-65 Por Villa Lot 70- ABOVE C-6796 appealed- DENIED. 2-25-65 Por Villa Lot 51- Permit to Mr. &Mrs. Wm. C. Smits to move in single fam res & constr detached garage; res to encr 16' into req 20' rear yd & encr 5' into req 10' st side yd; 5003 Cliff Pl; Zone R-1-5; Condl. Case No. 756o 2-3-66------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Por Villa Lot 51- Permit to Mr. detached garage; garage to encr 7' Place, NE corner Cliff Pl & No Mt. & Mrs. Wm. C. Smits to 1110ve in single fam res & constr into req 25' setback; (average of blk); 5003 Cliff View Dr; Zone R-1-5; Condl. Case No. 7561 2-3-66 Por Villa Lot 64- Permit to Edw. K. & Helen Novak to enlarge bedrm & install new foun- dation under exist garage approx 43' back from front PL, obs O' side yd (4' req); 3364 No. Mt. View Dr; Zone R-1; Condl. Case No. 4384 N.H. 9-7-61 NW 1/2 Lot 68- Hillside Review Permit to Fife for;arport, 5154- 34th St. 273-HR 3-24-76