North Florence Heights Block 7 Card 2
NORTH FLORENCE HEIGHTS BLOCK 7 CARD 2.tif NORTH FLORENCE HEIGHTS BLOCK 7 CARD #2 Lot 6- Permit to Robert E. Mayberry to const 2-story, 8-unit apt house obs all yd requiremerr with 8 parking spaces as req but with 5 parking spaces obs 14 1 distance from curb & 4' dis- tance from front p.l. where 181 distance from curb is req & no parking is perm closer than 31 to front p.l. (See C-6627, 6628) at 1602 Ft. Stockton Dr., NW corner Palmetto Way, Zone R-4 condl. 6 mos ext. to exp 10/29/65 Case No. 6765 10-30-64---------------------------------------------------------------------------------v Lot 6- Permit to Robert E. Mczy'berry DENIED to remove exist. structures; to const 2-story, 9-unit apt. house, maintaining exist real estate & insurance office in one of the new units with a mKX of 6 employees and/or associates & with two parking stalls obs 0 1 distance from p.l., 10 1 from the' curb, where multiple dwellings, a max of two doctor's or dentist's offices are pennitted & where parking must be 181 from the curb & in no case closer than 3 1 from the p.l.; apt house to obs 10 1 SB from Palmetto Way where the average of the blk is 22 1"'-6" & req. Zone R-4, at 16o2 Ft. Stockton Dr. Cases No. 6627 & 6628 8/12/64 1Lot 6- ABOVE APPEALED 8/14/64-- Appeal was filed for later disposition pending req for another Variance. Cases No. 6627 & 6628 9/14/64---------------------------------------------------------------------